How Can SMS Text Marketing Help Me Grow My Business

In the 21st century, almost everyone owns a mobile phone, leading to the rise of mobile marketing. Text message marketing is a form of mobile marketing that involve advertising your product and services to the customer directly via a short message service (SMS).

That being said, the question we are answering here is; is text message marketing worth doing for business? Brian from Textedly weighs in on this question:

1. Text message marketing is worth doing for your business because it is cost effective. Bearing in mind that most companies offer the option of mass messaging, the cost of sending and receiving a message is low enough for consumers of all social class to afford. Additionally, In text message marketing you use less money compared to creating commercials, pop ups and getting them out there.

2. Text message marketing allows the business owner to track the response the business is getting, this is done by checking the response the consumers are giving. Being able to see the response of the business is very crucial in helping the business owner estimate the target market, identify what to improve on to get a better response and get to track the progress the business is making.

3. Text message marketing gives you a chance to reach your target consumer on a personal level, in that, through the text message you are in a position to interact with your consumers, give as much information on the business as found sufficient.

4. Text message marketing is consumer-friendly, in that it gives the consumer a chance to stop receiving the text messages if they are not interested. Whereby at the end of each marketing text message, the consumer is given details of how they can opt-out if they don’t desire to receive future text messages.

5. Text message marketing also saves you the time you could have used probably preparing to create an advertisement or pop ups, since you can write a text message in less than a five minutes.

6. Text message marketing allows the customer to give feedback, and using the feedback given the business owner is able to improve the products and services they are offering.

7. Text message marketing gives the business owner a chance to cover a large part of the target market, since every 3 minutes 90% of people are checking their text messages.

If you are interested in pursuing text message marketing, there are few things you need to consider or put in mind:

· Check whether the firm you want to pick support volume, support all carriers and do they offer easy-to-use software.

· You need to know your target consumers, since they will be the ones you will be sending the text messages to.

· Choose the best means of collecting consumers’ phone numbers.

· Choose a suitable keyword, which is a short code that consumers will use to join your list.

· Choose whether you want your marketing campaign to stand alone or to compliment an existing one.

· Allow consumers to opt out

· Track your response results